Sunday, July 22, 2012

Baked Potatoey Goodness

Now, I don't just like baked potatoes, I loooove them. And, c'mon what's not to love about them? They're tasty, uber-filling, and they're seriously good for you (despite what any skeptics might say)! But, don't just take my word for it, find out why from these experts. The big caveat, though, is that although a baked potato by itself is a pretty perfect food, it's what you decide to top that potato with that can mean the difference between a nutrient dense and nutrient poor meal. Sure, it may seem like no-brainer to top that spud with the typical butter, sour cream, salt, and Baco-bits, but by doing so you're taking a completely healthy food and turning it into a very unhealthy one. You may be wondering what the heck you put on your baked potato if you can't put the traditional toppings on it. Don't worry, eating a plant-based diet creates so many more options than you might first think. One important thing I've learned over the past couple of years is that by bypassing the typical, SAD (Standard American Diet) way of eating, my meals now have so many more possibilities! 

To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, here's a baked potato that I made recently (photo at right). Doesn't that look good? ;)  I topped this particular potato with chipotle hummus, lots of sauteed mushrooms (sauteed in wine, tamari/soy sauce, or veggie broth, etc.), green onions and a little black pepper. Be as creative as you like and feel free to try out different combinations of ingredients, such as any of these yummy options:

* veggie chili
* steamed broccoli 
* beans of your choice
* lentils
* fresh/sauteed greens (i.e. kale, arugula)
* nutritional yeast 
* roasted garlic
* vegan gravy
* olives
* nacho cheaze
* salsa
* TJ's South African Smoke Seasoning

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